The Cure for Gaps Below Grade Level

Discover The Most Effective Math Solution For At-Risk Students Backed By The Most Comprehensive Achievement Data Available

Identifying every student's knowledge gaps below grade level is the most effective way to help them improve at grade level.

Just like a doctor would never prescribe a treatment without knowing the root cause, no intervention program can help every student without knowing exactly what each one is missing.

iLearn has been doing this successfully for the past 15 years, helping over 1,000,000 students in the process!

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The Prescriptive Approach

The cure for at-risk students is to deliver instruction that is proven to cure their specific gaps in knowledge.

The prescriptive approach requires a very precise diagnosis of knowledge gaps and the instruction needed to fill them. iLearn provides a proven learning system that customizes every step of the process. It even reduces the teacher’s workload in the process.

Step 1

Identify the lowest knowledge gap below grade level.

Step 2

Deliver instruction to fill that specific gap.

Step 3

Provide practice and review to retain the new knowledge.

Step 4

Evaluate progress with formative and summative assessments to ensure mastery and retention of each topic.

Repeat until student has filled all gaps

Achievement Gap DNA